Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kareena Zerefos

I have always loved Kareena's work. She is amazing! After browsing her blog and dropping her a line to say how much I liked her work, she even found the time to write back. Don't  you love people like that? Go Kareena :) here are a few of my favs.....

Check out all of Kareena's beautiful work here.
She is also an Element Eden advocate...Check out all of the other amazing Element Eden advocates here. If only i could end up there one day...a girl can only dream. 

Shining down on edenevie

I went to visit my line in store today... don't they look pretty :) the light was in the perfect spot....
Am still open to customised orders... pick your fabric, charms, anything! 

Polly put the kettle on!

This is the newest addition to our little family, Polly.
I really need to invest in a scanner.... 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So There!

Sooo..I know that I said I was going to draw every day... but have been very busy!
I know excuses excuses... but am planning on doing a really big one soon!!
Anyway... as I was stalking the wonderfully talented Kelly Smith...I came across this fab show that I am soooo going to! B, please come with me :)
Stay tuned for more stuff!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Boot-scoooting baby!

So I am trying to get my drawings up to scratch..  so am trying to post one a day!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

One mans trash is anothers treasure...

At the beginning of a season, I sometimes put together a list of all the new goodies I need or want...really.
So I decided to take a trip to the opshop with my list of things that included a denim vest, high waisted cut offs, and a military vest. So in the Ocean Grove salvos I found myself a pair of seriously daggy high waisted bell bottom jeans...which I converted into these beauties!!! Who wears short shorts? I wear short shorts! (or I will be when it gets warmer....)

I also found my denim jacket that needs to be converted...but am hestitant to cut it because I think it is pretty cool as it is.... what to do! Such a dillemna.

I also found time to draw this...which I am kicking myself for drawing on grid paper...

Dont you just hate Mrs. Jolie Pitt! those lips....

Edenevie Launch!

So as of this weekend... edenevie bracelets are officially on sale! Yay!
Find them at the Red Pigeon in Barwon Heads and Pakington Street Geelong West.
Hopefully the start of something great! Feel free to custom order!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Je t'aime, Yvette Inufio!

Ok So I know I should probably start posting bracelet stuff... but my gosh I found Yvette today and my life will NEVER be the same. A picture speaks a thousand words... but hers speak millions!

Thursday, September 2, 2010