Saturday, April 23, 2011

Granny Dress

The other day when I was in the opshop looking for frames, I saw this dress. 
It was a size 16, huge granny dress with no shape what so ever,  with buttons all up the front, and shoulder pads. Definitely a little number that you might wear to the 9:00 service on a Sunday. 
However, it had the most beautiful floral pattern I have ever seen. So for 4.99 I bought it, and turned it into this baby below!!!
Its also reversable, so you can wear the buttons at the back, and I am about to add a peter pan collar to the high neck. Don't you love to sew? I do.

The Laboratory

Just dropped off a HUGE order of bracelets to the Laboratory in Pakington Street. 
They also have a shop in Torquay, and Ballarat. 
It was such a big order that I ran out of supplies!
Hopefully these sell like hot cakes!

Spring Chicken of QAL

So recently, I have signed up with a community arts program where local artists showcase their artwork on a monthly basis. It called QAL, and it's at the Queenscliff Uniting Church hall. 
I am the "spring chicken" of the group! With all applicants being at least 50 - 60 years old. But hey, thats cool! Each individuals work is entirely unique and beautiful, from pottery to woodwork to 3D photography in resin blocks.
Go check it out if you're down the Queenscliff way this long weekend. 

Here is my little setup below... 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


My friend B sent me this great link today, from Daydream Lily Blog. 

Element Eden & Daydream Lily... a little taste of heaven. 

And add a dollop of Courtney Brims and you're walking through those pearly gates. 

Finders Keepers Losers Weepers

Hi There!

Took a trip to the big city for Finders Keepers and Drawn From Fashion this weekend.
Was good... although I can't help but notice the amount of laser cut badges... does one reeeaaaalllly need a  lifetime supply of laser badges? A few I can understand...
Anyway, everything else was great.
Drawn From Fashion showcased some beautiful peices, but it wasn't the same without Kareena Zerefos taking part!
Still working on some birdy illustrations for Blue Lace...
They will be in before Easter weekend! Go in and check them out in the flesh...

Also, starting to develop some necklaces to sit along side my bracelets... exciting stuff!! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blue Lace Gifts

In case you didn't know, a beautiful little gift store has opened up in Torquay. Featuring beautiful homewares and gifts, and I am lucky enough to have my bracelets there! And soon... some prints of mine! There will be around 4 prints, featuring lovely various birdies.
Such as this one... 
♥ Love birds ♥

Also... Guess what??
Finders Keepers is on THIS WEEKEND! Which means that Drawn From Fashion presented by Leeloo is also this weekend! I'm a little excited... 
Check out some of the artists that will feature there...

May see you there!

Oh and I also found this super cute photo today :)
my bunny used to look like this when he was a baby. 
Bye Bye!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dane Love-it

I have come across this amazing painter! Dane Lovett. 
I am deffinetly getting one of these babys for my loungeroom in my new house!
The way he portrays the light in water, and the shadows, are just amazing. 

Now which one....?

Olsens finished!

Here is the finished peices people!

Monday, February 21, 2011

On Show at the Greenroom

New line in store now. Looking good! Thinking of trying a mens line... 
Ask your men if they would wear something like this... my man says he would, 
but i'd say he may be slightly bias... Bless him.

Goodnight all!

Bec Winner. I mean Winnel

One of the many artists that I am dying to see at Drawn From Fashion is Bec Winnel. 
Have a gander. She is amazing to say the least. 
Damn, if I could shade like her....

Everybody, meet Coco.

Came across this lovely little blog with a lovely little lady behind it all. 
Coco, Meet Shonel features beautiful photography, beautiful fashion, and beautiful beautifulness. 
Check it out! Help out your blogger girls's blogs...

P.S 32 sleeps until Drawn From Fashion... 
I might just hibernate until then...

Peace out Peeps.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Drawn From Fashion

Just got my latest issue of Frankie, and found out there is an AMAZING exhibition on in March called
"Drawn From Fashion" including artist like Kelly Smith and Courtney Brims. So There!!
Check it out. 

Also, working on a few more pics.... this is the first man that I think I have EVER drawn... having a bit of difficulty... girls are so much funner to draw with their pretty curves and shapes.....

Have a Super Weekend People

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Awesome Olsens

I must say (as cliche as it is for a girl my age) I really do love the Olsens.
Sure they're plastic but they are also talented and as fashion savyy as you get.
So here are some drawings that I have been working on for a little while...
I cant wait to frame them....
Sorry for crappy iphone pic again... must get a scanner!!!

Oh! Also now have facebook page. Check it out! Be my friend! (please? Ill be your best friend :)) 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Natalia Sanabria

Across my travels I have found yet another amazing illustrator/photographer, Natalia.
Have a look! Her photos are to die for.

ummm hi... remember me?

Hi everybody... I know you cant see but my tail is between my legs...
I have been working my little but off lately and haven't found the time to update you all!

I am just about to drop another line of bracelets into the Greenroom this weekend.
They're all brand new designs and colors, so if you have a chance to see them, enjoy!

Also, have finally started (emphasis on "started") to add things onto my Etsy page.
Check it out! 
Keeping in mind that I'm always open to personalized orders :)
Just drop me a line at

Here are a few drawings that I have been doing recently... (excuse the crappy iPhone pics)

♥ Anyway ciao for now! ♥